If you have an earned accredited degree from an EQUIS, AACSB International, ACBSP Business School, or ABA Accredited Law School you may be eligible for Membership and Management Certification upon meeting the Board Requirements.
EQUIS, AACSB International, ACBSP, and The ABA are the trademarks of the respective organizations.
The GAM Graduate Academy of Management is a Board of Standards that recognizes the best business and law schools worldwide. The GAM does not offer any degree or diplomas. The GAM Board of Standards offers charters and board certifications to those who have already received an accredited degree from the top accreditatio authorities.
Our board has researched and found that graduates from the our listed and recognized accredited schools have already met the admissions standards, succeeded, passed a multitude of tests, projects, and exams to secure a degree.
Thus, our members have met the highest criteria of education already.