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5. What are some of the weaknesses of this theory? Moral certainty, self righteousness and intolerance 




C. Virtue Ethics 

1. Based in ancient Greek philosophy: Plato and Aristotle 

2. What is considered good under this philosophy? Seeking happiness and living the good life 

3. What is right behavior? Acting virtuously which is necessary for happiness 

4. What are the strengths of this theory? Virtue is it’s own reward and leads to self-actualization 

5. What are some of the weaknesses of this theory? Consequences, the common good and principle are ignored 


D. Egoism 

1. Based in classical and contemporary philosophy 

2. What is considered good? What I think is best for me is good 

3. What is right behavior? Promoting what is good for me only 

4. What are the strengths of this theory? Leads to moral certainty and moral autonomy 

5. What are some of the weaknesses of this theory? Self-centeredness, moral certainty, selfishness and unrealistic thinking 

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