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IMCB ™ International Management Consultants Certification Board

IMC International Certified Management Consultants Board of Standards Society Management Consulting Certification Certified Management Professional Certification

OX  - Omicron Chi ™  International Management Honor Society






If you desire to join our international management and business honor society, please email us
Becoming a Chartered Member in The OC Omicron Chi is the highest recognition a management consultant anywhere in the world. We are  the premier management certification accrediting organization for business schools in the world. The International Board of Standards recognizes both the ACBSP and AACSB.   To be eligible for charter membership, the academic credentials must include:
•Accredited Graduate Degree, masters degree, or higher
•Passed all of the exams at an Accredited Institution.
•Consulting for more than 3 years
Mission of the Society
The mission of Omicron Chi  is to encourage and academic and professional achievement in the profession of management and personal excellence in the practice of business.
Omicron Chi business society was founded as a national organization in 1995. The first national honor society for managers with graduate education, the Omicron Chi was a merger of three separate societies established to honor academic achievement in business at Loyola University, William and Mary, and the.
Omicron Chi enters the new millennium knowing that our membership of 5,000 comprises the top graduate educated executives and business leaders.
Selection Process
Membership is available after you become certified in any area by our organization.


Omicron Chi OX Honor Society International business

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